Friday, March 31, 2006

2 weeks 3 days...

Wow, I have been gone awhile. Sorry for the delay, I have been pretty busy. A little more busy than I imagined. A 3 year old and a baby are rough on a girl! So far we are all doing well. At first Maddie had jaundice which we were going to the doctor just about every day to have checked, but she is fine now, and has no more jaundice. She is eating like a little piggy! I decided to breast feed, and formula feed at night since that holds her longer. People had said that she may not do both, but she loves it all, and she shows no preference. I never breastfed the other two, but I decided since this is my last one to give it a try and she latched on like a champ! She still has her days and nights mixed up, so Daniel and I take turns staying up with her at night. Today I am going on 5 hours of sleep, but it's better than none, so I can't complain. Gracie and Chandler are taking the new addition well. The first few days were rough on Gracie, she was a bit jealous, but we worked on it, and she really shows her love for Maddie now. When Maddie starts to fuss, she holds her hand and sings to her, and it just melts my heart. I take her for her two month checkup on May 16th. I can't believe that she is two weeks already. She is sill so tiny!! I'm including some pics that I took just yesterday for everyone to see.

I'm sorry that I have not been respoding to blogs lately, but I am still reading. I will get to responding soon, I hope.

Friday, March 17, 2006

This is as we were leaving the hospital....
And here she is at home in her bouncy seat.
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Thursday, March 16, 2006

She's Here!

Madison Elle McSherry
was born March 14, 2006 at 10:34 am
weighing 6 lbs 5 oz and 18"long.
Both mommy and baby are doing well and we will post pictures soon!

Friday, March 10, 2006

37 weeks 5 days!

Feeling kind of B...I...G...
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

37 week appointment

I just wanted to give a quick update on what all is going on here. I had my appointment on Monday and so far I am still only 2 cm. But the baby and my body are showing all signs of being ready to give birth at any time, so he mentioned the big "induction" word and I pounced on it like a cat in heat. So, the way things look, I will check into the hospital on Monday night at midnight (the 13th) and will have my baby girl on the 14th...nothing like choosing the date of our childs birth, ya know??

I have gained another 3 pounds in the last week, and I am sure i will do it again before I check into the hospital, but I can say this is the last week that will happen!!! The baby sounds real good, her heart rate was down for the very first time, it was only at 140, but that is still good.

The fun part....we decided to take Gracie along to the appointment just so she could hear the babies heart beat and know what all is going on. So she went and did really well. The dotor let her use the doppler and she was so proud of herself. Wen she found the heartbeat, she could only look at me and smile from ear to ear and say "Oh, WOW!" I could have cried. It was so sweet. The doctor was amazed that he delivered her, and how big she had gotten. The day was definitely one for the records. I will forever remember it.

I will try between now and Tuesday to teach Daniel how to post on here and put up some pictures so that everyone will know right away, but if you don't hear....don't worry, I will post eventually. Have a great day, everyone!!