Monday, February 27, 2006

36 weeks

I am so ready to POP!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

35 week appointment

My appointment was on Monday, and it went very well. I had only gained 2 1/2 pounds which was a huge relief for me. I had my GBS test done, which is no big deal either. The baby sounded real good, her heart rate was 150 again, she is pretty predictable at this point. We talked about all my questions, which at this point I have very few other than can she come out now? I am dilated 1-2 cm, so at this point the doctor says if I do go into all out labor, he probably won't do a great deal to stop it. Yay!! But knowing my luck she wants to stay in there for another few weeks. I just want her to come out when she is ready, and healthy. I feel good, I am still a bit nauseas, which seems to have gotten worse in these last few weeks, but I read that is normal. I am having a lot of lower pressure, which is also normal at this point in the pregnancy. My back is really starting to hurt a lot, especially by evening time, I am ready to sit down and cry, and unfortunately, that is when I am demanded from the whole family. Sleeping is just about impossible, trying to get comfortable is a joke... And I am having increasing braxton hicks contractions that get stronger and lower every day, so hopefully they are preparing me for the big day....hopefully soon!! I am feeling the urge to get things done around the house, so this may be my sign. I just feel like if I were to go into labor, I want this house clean for people to be here. Other than that, things are pretty much normal for a pregnant lady. One who feels like she has been pregnant for 18 months, at that!

P.S.....IS IT MARCH YET??????

Friday, February 10, 2006

My 33 week appointment

I went to the doctor thinking I had only gained a couple of pounds, becasue after all it had only been two weeks.... then my heart leapt up through my throat and out onto the hall floor of the hospital. I gained 5 pounds in two weeks... the doctor was okay with it, as long as I don't do it again. I never seem to make doctors happy. My blood pressure was real good. Sad that I have to be 8 months pregnant to have "normal" blood pressure. Usually they think I am dead it is so low. Daniel went with me and so he got to work the doppler to listen to the heartbeat. She is still right at 150, so that seems to be her norm. And the best news yet is that she seems to have turned head down. Which for the birth is great news, but for now that means that I now have two feet lodged in my rib cage...only 43 more days to go!!! Oh and she is measuring right on target for size. I asked for a weight and he declined to guess at it...kudos to him! Doctors can never guess that stuff.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Me at 33 weeks

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