Monday, January 23, 2006

My checkup

I went to the OB today, I know my appointment was scheduled for last Thursday but I had to reschedule...due to being in the hospital all Wednesday night!! I started having some cramping around 9 pm, then at 9:30, I started having really strong braxton hicks contractions. I called the labor and delivery ward at almost 10 pm, and was told that anything over 6 in one hour was too many. Well, within an hour and half, I hjad 10 so Daniel took me to the hosiptal. They hooked me up to all those lovely monitors and layed me in the bed from 11 pm to 8 am the next morning...It was a miserable experience, but the baby was very healthy and enjoying her time no matter whose bed we were in. She got the hiccups 3 times that night so it was loud enough on the machine for the whole floor to hear. A wonderful sound to many, but to me that has to feel them all the time, it was just a reason to be kept awake.

I was snt home the next morning since they were able to get them to stop, and we have not had too many contractions since.

I came down with a nasty stomach bug on Friday morning that luckily only lasted 12 hours or so, but long enough to make it feel like an eternity. I am still working on getting my appetite back.

So at my appointment today, I met my doctor!! Actually it was the same doctor I had with Gracie but you really don't see your doctor until the last few weeks of the pregnancy. I weighed in at 132lbs.... I had lost a pound since my last visit, but I figured that was to be expected from being so sick. My blood pressure was good, for once they didn't ask me if I was alive. My blood pressure is usually so low...The baby sounded real good with a VERY strong heart beat in the 150's. There was protein in my urine which is uaully a cause for concern, but since I have been sick, they are willing to overlook it this time. It is like that in two weeks, then I have to do some more testing to see why I am spilling protein. Then he went to measure the baby and he seemed a little concerned, she was barely above my belly button. He asked if I knew how she was lying. They said she was head down when they checked my cervix.
But as of today, she appears to be lying breech, in the "transverse lie" which in my terms means she is sprawled across my tummy sideways. So at my next visit, if she is still in this weird position that he cannot get an accurate meaurement, they will want to do an ultra sound!! I know that is a lame excuse to get an ultra sound, but I am really excited to see the baby and maybe see how big she is, and if she is still a she...or grown extra parts...

***Side note*** I DEFINITELY have a pregnant brain, I forgot to post it's coming a day late...heheheee...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

30 weeks

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Her profile at 19 weeks

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My attempt at a baby website

I wanted to start a new website so that we could share with you the joys of pregnancy, the not so many joys of pregnancy and then of course the birth of our third and final child. Our little girl is due March 25th and we are counting down the days to see her and hold her in our arms.

This pregnancy has been a rocky one, probably my hardest yet. I thought my first pregnancy was bad, since I was in Germany completely across the ocean from everyone I knew, but we managed and it was fun. But this pregnancy and already having two children and being 30 makes things more difficult. Everyone always said that the older you are, the harder pregnancy is on you, and I guess I always took their words as a joke. Now I know that it is so true. Chasing or should I say waddling after a 3 year old is no easy task.

I'm trying to make this as short as possible trying to sum up these last 7 months. We found out we were pregnant after trying to conceiev for 15 long excruciating months. We knew how easy it was to get pregnant with Chandler and Grace and figured it would be the same but God threw us a loop in the road. But we overcame it, and we found out we were pregnant on July 14, 2005.
When we found out, we were 5 weeks along. I was so excited not to be sick, I thought it was a dream come true. I even remember commenting to people that I was scared for this pregnancy because I was not sick. I guess I counted my chicken too early. I became sick on July 26th. I had my first ER visitfor IV's the first of August. The doctor prescribed me what I call my miracle drug, Zofran. It is so much better than I have ever had, and it doesn't knock me out. To this day, I am still taking Zofran, but I will not get ahead ahead of myself.

At my first OB appointment on August 26th, (10 weeks)I weighed in at 113#, this is the most I weighed starting out a pregnancy. By August 30th, I was back at the doctor for IV's and I weighed only 109#. I was so depressed that I was losing the battle, but I will say, there is morning sickness that a lot of women get, and then there is hyperemesis gravidarum. It is a sickness much like morning sickness but can last all day, all night and sometimes throughout the whole pregnancy. That is what I have. It is something that you cannot win against, or so I think. No matter how small of meals you try to eat or how little sips of water you take, it will not stay down. It can lead to depression, among other things, to say the least.

My next OB appoitnement was September 26th, (15 weeks)and by the grace of God I was up to 114#. And I was in my second trimester! So many people had me wishing for the second trimester that I was tarting to believe it, but I should not have gotten my hopes up. On October 4th, I started getting braxton Hicks contractions. It is very normal, especially with the more pregnancies you have. And to top it off, I was still sick.

My next OB appointment was not until November 1st, so that I would be 19 weeks for the ultrasound. We had waited for this day fopr so long. We were so excited to see what the sex was, we could not contain ourselves. My weght at this appointment was 121 1/2#. And the baby was breech. It moved around a lot, and kicked and wiggled, but with the breech presentation, it was very hard to see the sex. So we got as close of a look as possible, and as of this date, we are expecting a girl. Lets hope it was right...

December brought on another OB appointment on the 8th, I was 25 weeks and I weighed in at 127 1/4#. The baby as of this day was still breech according to the nurse midwife, and she gave me some hints on some excercises that I could do to try and turn the baby to get her turned head down. I also took my one hour glucose test this day, and was totally not prepared for it, I had eaten poptarts and a dr. pepper for breakfast, but I passed it anyway! December also brought on my thrid trimester, I thought I was in the homestretch, but I was wrong, I am still sick occasionally, but am able to eat and drink regularly, I just have to take my medicine still to kepe sickness at bay. I have no idea why I am still sick, but I am.

Now we are in January, and my 29 week appointment was on the 5th, I weighed in at a whopping 133#. There were a few conceerns that I had, and I had lots of questions for her. I wanted to know when they would start checking my cervix and that is not until the 34th week. I wanted to know how long they would let me go without doing another ultrasound to check the position of the baby, and that she said would not be until 36 weeks...I was devastated. I was also having many many braxton hicks contractions and they were pretty severe, to the point where I would have to stop what I am doing and focus on breathing through them. Also at some point right before Christmas, I was at Wal Mart shopping and I started having lots of pressure down low, and braxton hicks and they were making my back with the mention of this, she wanted to check my cervix to see what was going on with me to make sure the baby was not trying to come early. As soon as she checked me, I knew it was not good. I am as of two weeks ago, 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Not good for only being 29 weeks, and only on the verge of the 29th week. So I was put on restriction, and told to take it very easy. I am no longer allowed to lift the kids, I cannot walk for too long, no shopping, and take it very easy with the housecleaning, etc. That is not easy to do with two children. But so far it is working out, I guess. I am still having Braxton Hicks but no more of the back pain that came with them.

My next appointment is scheduled for January 19th, which is this Thursday. I am going to the OB every two weeks now, and after next month I am down to visiting every week. The time has started to fly by! And we still can't wait to hold our little one in our arms.